Video Gallery

Amiran Ovadia in the morning program of Reshet

On the occasion of our annual crowdfunding campaign, Amiran Ovadia, coordinator of the Yuval Group, was interviewed in Shahar Maor’s corner on the network’s morning program with Elad Zohar and Yarden Harel.

After 80 years we opened our doors to the news

11 news

Amir Gera’s segment from Friday news 01.13.23

Alumni visit
Returning to the house

It is always a pleasure to meet our graduates

The "JHTC" children's choir / "I want to be an example"

The children’s choir sings the school anthem – “I want to be an example”

A Day In The Life At The Jerusalem Hills

Follow along as a social worker, psychologist, counselor and volunteer walk you through their experiences at our Children’s Home

Miki Gabrielov and the Children's Home Choir​

Miki Gabrielov volunteered to record the 2023 crowdfunding campaign song with the Children’s Home Choir

We renewed our look

The new branding of the JHTC

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